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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cake in a Mug

So, a friend of mine told me about a recipe called 3-2-1 using angel food cake mix and regular cake mix with water.  I decided to try it my own way and I used chocolate cake mix and a diet coke- my Dad also tried it and used French vanilla cake mix with diet coke.  Both were YUMMY!

Empty a cake mix (dry) into a ziploc bag.
You will need a Diet Coke (or any flavor soda) and a coffee mug.

Put all of this in the mug:
3 tbl spoons of cake mix
2 tbl spoons of diet coke- mix well
1 minute in the microwave
and out comes a yummy warm cake!

I could not believe how easy it was and how great it tasted!  I also think a scoop of Ice cream on top would finish off the warm cake perfectly!  Enjoy!!

My husband and my Daddy!
This is made with white cake mix and Sprite Zero.

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