It's been a while since I have written, so I will catch y'all up on our past 6 weeks. Feb. 21 - 23, we spent in the hospital with our sweet girl. We were trying to figure out why her blood pressure and heart rate were dropping during the middle of the day and also, why she was having palpitations frequently- very scary for sure. -For those who do not know, Samantha was born at 34 weeks because she was in tachycardia- she has been on heart meds her entire life until she had her ablation in April of 2011. After her ablation (surgery to destroy the extra pieces of electricity around her heart) she was put back on medicine and has been at the same dose that she was on prior to the ablation because the procedure unmasked other arrhythmias.- Back to the hospital- the cardiologists and her EP dr decided to take her off of her medicine and put her on telemetry (heart monitor) and keep her at the hospital to observe her (her last dose of meds were given on 2/22 in the am). Samantha did great, her heart was strong and they were not able to detect and issues at that time. Samantha enjoyed the child life specialists that came in and brought fun things to keep her busy and she also enjoyed getting to eat Mc Donald's and Chipotle chips and cheese- we never eat out! GG and Pop also came to help Mommy and Daddy and we were all so happy to have the company! The following week, we met Samantha's new cardiologist and we really liked her. She had an ECG and an EKG and both looked good- next the dr ordered a 24 hr halter monitor that records every heart beat. The dr also told us that she wanted Samantha to increase her fluids to 60 - 80 oz per day (hoping this would keep the palpitations at bay). Fast forward 5 weeks.... Samantha is doing great! The halter reading did not detect any issues and she has not had a problem to date. I truly believe our prayers have been answered. I don't know if this is 'forever', but I like to say that it is a 'for now' and enjoy each and every day together!
The funny thing is, that when we were in the hospital with Samantha, there were a lot of tears and emotions (from me of course). I was so afraid to let them take her off of the meds. The 'what if's' that ran thru my mind were not positive to say the least. I prayed and prayed for peace and for Samantha to be well. What I didn't realize until recently, is that all along, our prayers were being answered, I just had to let go of the control (and as a mom, that is really hard to do!) and let God's plans work in her life and in ours. I'm not sure what tomorrow holds, but I do know that today was great and that is what matters.
I hope that everyone had a great weekend with their families, friends, loved ones, etc.
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