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Thursday, July 26, 2012


I know- what is wrong with that girl??  Seriously, who enjoys mopping?  ME- I do!  I especially love how it makes my house smell after I finish.. it kind of reminds me of a song I once heard  'So fresh and so clean, clean'....  Ok, I am done with the silly humor.

I was mopping yesterday and I tried out a new mixture to see how it actually cleaned and smelled.  To go back a couple of years, a friend of mine turned me on to mopping with vinegar.  This is the cleanest that my floors have EVER been- the only problem is, that now my house smells like a pickle after I mop.  Yes, the vinegar smell evaporates- eventually, but I like my house to smell fabulous after I finish mopping.  So this is what I did-  I filled up a regular mop bucket 2/3 of the way with warm tap water.  I then added 1 cup of white vinegar, 3 - 4 drops of dish soap (I use Meyers) and 10 - 15 drops of essential oil (I used lavender).  My floors are CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN and my house smells so good!

The 3 products that I used to mop with.... oh yeah and my ice cream in the back ground-  of course it is Blue Bell's Homemade in the Shade- this is my treat for working so hard today!  ;-)

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