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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Birthday time!!

What a great time of year this is for us! Six years ago on the 9th of August, our little miracle was born.  Kevin and I tried for 7 years to get pregnant and one hurricane and a major move to San Antonio, we found out that we were pregnant!  What an exciting time this was for us!  So many memories flood my mind- calling my parents and then calling Kevin's parent's- Honey even told me that Angelina and Brad (Pitt) had just announced that they were pregnant too!  So, I have to say this was a very joyous time and we all celebrated this miracle that we had been given. 

The due date was set for Sept. 14 and we thought that we had all the time in the world to prepare.  Little did we know that our little angel was going to make a surprise appearance on Aug 9 (only 4 days after her grandfather's, Sam, birthday).  She was beautiful and tiny and absolutely perfect for our new little family!

Happy birthday to my sweet, beautiful angel! 

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