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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Outside Projects

Outside projects are so much fun!  We enjoy writing with sidewalk chalk, painting on a canvas, painting bird houses, hula hooping, tie dying t-shirts and plenty of other fun outdoor projects/ hobbies! Samantha even came down the other day and wanted to go bird watching with her Daddy before dinner!  Not sure how many birds were spotted, but she got our family outside before dinner and it was nice to get out and breathe some fresh, although hot and humid, air!    

It is really hard to convince our children to step outside these days- we have all become so happy and content with being inside, in the comfort of our AC (not that it is a bad thing) but a little sunshine and playful imagination will go a long way with helping our children to become more well rounded- not to mention their happiness and health!

I hope that everyone is having a happy day and is enjoying their weekend!



This is the tree that we hang our painted birdhouses from!

Tie Dying!

Bird watching with Daddy!

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